End of Life

My father, who was a lifelong community journalist, used to tell me that there were few types of writing more important than an obituary. It is why he always wrote them himself as an editor rather than assigning them to reporters. I approach each obituary–whether a news obit or one for a memorial advertisement–with care, respect and a sense of honor. I am always grateful to be able to tell these end-of-life stories and perhaps bring some comfort to those left behind.

News Obits

Going Gently: Mortuary owner eases anxiety of planning funerals, Argonaut, March 9, 2023

Robert Gras, Lansing State Journal

Merrill Wyble, Lansing State Journal

Addiann Hinds, Lansing State Journal

Bill Helder, Lansing State Journal

Ron O’Neill, Lansing State Journal

Tommy Gomez, Lansing State Journal

Eli Broad, Los Angeles Downtown News, p. 4

Eli Broad, Santa Monica Argonaut

“The eulogy you wrote is heartwarming – everything about it!  You are a beautiful writer.  I especially enjoyed reading about your relationship with Emory and some of your special memories.  Very nice!” 
